Pair of Body Slimming Silicone Magnetic Toe Rings Lose Weight
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US $ 7.12
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- Product Details
Pair of magnetic losing weight toe rings, based on ancient Chinese medicine, these rings stimulate the acupressure points on your big toe (and, for extra benefit, the second toe), thus curbing your appetite in a safe and natural way. It is Made by from soft & non-allergenic silicone materials. Two powerful magnets on each ring provides a magnetic field of 1100 gauss to stimulate acupoints in your feet. At the same time, the rings make you use your abdominal and femoral muscles more effectively, thus enhancing your physical fitness even more.
- Increase your metabolism - thus helping with weight loss
- Massage the foot
- Improve blood circulation
- The rings are soft and comfortable to wear and are virtually invisible
Condition New Material Silicon, magnet Size 2.7 x 1.3 cm (Dia x H) Color White Weight 13g Package Includes
- 1 x One Pair Massage Foot Toe Rings